
Improviz supports textures on shapes. These can either be single bitmap images, pngs, or GIFs with one or more frames.

fill(255, 0, 0)

The program loads the textures at start-up from the specified directories. By default this is the ./textures folder in the directory the program is run from. This can be changed, or more directories added, by changing the config.yaml file settings.

There needs to be a config.yaml file within any folder that textures will be loaded from. To add more textures, just drop the image files into the directory and then add update the file.

Each entry for a texture needs to have the name it will be referred to by and the file path within the folder.

Transparency is supported.

It may be better for the texture to have a sizing that’s a power of 2. e.g. 256*256 pixels. It supports those that aren’t though. Needs more investigation currently.


Animated GIFs can be loaded and used. This may be somewhat resource intensive at startup. Individual frames of a GIF can then be used by using the second, frame argument of the texture function.

texture(:loop1, 1)

This can be animated as necessary.

f = (time * 90) % 90
texture(:loop1, f)


The slideshow() function can be used to loop through a list of textures or GIF-animations.

slideshow([:img1, :gif2, :images], slideshow_speed, animation_speed)

As the first paramenter you need to give slideshow() a list images in hard brackets [ ]. After that you can set the speed of the slideshow, ie. how fast i goes to the next image on the list. Lastly you can set the speed of the animation, ie. how fast it goes through the frames of a GIF. Sane defaults are set for both speeds, so they can be omitted.

These two code examples should give the same results.

slideshow([:algorave, :crystal, :diagsquares])

In the above we only give slideshow() a list and below we set both the slideshow speed and animation speed to the same as the defaults.

slideshow([:algorave, :crystal, :diagsquares], 1, 10)

Code Text

The rendered code is also available as a texture that can be applied to shapes by using the :code texture name. Note: this will override any configuration in texture folders.

background(0, 255, 100)

move(3, -3, -10)
loop 100 times with i
	x = cos(time + (i / 10)) * 0.05
	y = sin(time + (i / 10)) * 0.07
	move(x, y, 0.1)